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Chris Gannett


Why should you invest in building a coaching culture in your organization?

01. It creates lasting behavior change

Investing in a coaching culture as a business pays off. It empowers people to lean on and help one another rather than overburdening HR leaders and relying on company infrastructure to do so.

Data shows that traditional, one-off training has no staying power — employees forget 75% of what they learn within three weeks. Science shows us that lasting behavior change happens over time in bite-sized pieces.

02. It’s scalable — and personalized to the employee

The practice fits into the flow of employee days and addresses the whole person (especially since we can’t fully compartmentalize our professional and personal selves). Coaching provides a two-pronged approach by helping employees while empowering and enabling HR leaders to invest in solutions with long-lasting results.

With shifting challenges and companies re-evaluating priorities, employees must learn how to do more with less, while still being offered the support they need to continue to stay engaged and happy at work.

03. It creates positive cascading impacts across the business

When managers gain the opportunity to seek coaching and implement coaching-based support and resources, it helps individual contributors, which in turn helps teams. It is an investment that scales and supports the whole organization’s growth.

Companies that are high in coaching culture have happier, more committed, and more dedicated people, and their teams report:

  • 11% more trust;

  • 26% less team conflict and 25% more confidence in discussion problem solving with coworkers;

  • 22% greater agility in response to new challenges; and

  • 24% greater ability to generate and apply new and useful solutions to hard challenges

To be without those attributes is to impede progress and stifle growth. Without a strong coaching culture, productivity, employee retention, and organizational success are at risk.

Challenging times present an incredible opportunity for organizations to take the lead. Emphasizing behavioral skills is invaluable when resources are limited or uncertain — while competitors are hoping their employees will tread water, an investment in strong coaching culture helps protect your organization from rippling negative impacts in times of great challenge.

By Ashley Strahm | Better Up


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